Monday, January 14, 2013

Junk Asylum Revamp

Karen and I ran to Eldridge, Iowa today to restock our booth at Junk Asylum.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Urban Finds Friday and Saturday

Don't forget our only January sale. It is at Urban Finds in Des Moines, Iowa. here are a few gems that I'll have there.

2134 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA
Friday 6-8, Saturday 9-4

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Summer is by far the best season; I can not get enough of the warmth, sand, sun, swimming, nor the color on my skin. So every time December comes around, I let myself go into a winter depression. I will wallow in hatred for the cold for a couple weeks, and then, about the time that Christmas comes along, I will pull it together and smile again. I will emerge from my heated apartment and be a part of the living. And what better way to meet winter head on then with my family sledding and ice skating. Goodness, I love these sports of old.