Sunday, April 22, 2012

Angie's Needlework

I have a new consignor at Simply Rooted. Her name is Angie Jandrey and she works wonder with needle and thread. Here are her cute creations!
Love these great quotes for Mother's Day...
She has more designs. You can check them out at the shop.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Touch of Summer

I know I've said this before, but it truly is like Christmas when I get my shipments of clothing. The FedEx man approaches my door with a giant box, and I just can't help but grin.

This order was full of dresses and tanks. Just in time for warm weather. 

Love this top. It hangs slightly baggy, but so casual and chic.
 Love the bold stripes!
Complete your outfit with jean shorts.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


New Clothes Coming on Thursday!
Excited for Summer dresses!

Wrist Candy

I've made some wrist candy for the shop! Inspired by both pinterest and the owner of "The Nest" in Mediapolis. -- what a great shop she has!

Here is glitz and leather -- a perfect marriage.
Here's the full selection, of "mix & match" layer bracelets.
And, a Hawkeye bracelet!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Family Rocks!

What a wonderful Easter it was! Oh, since Kevin and I moved to the "big" city. We have been bustling around without a moments break. So, going home for Easter was AWESOME. We got a complete refresher with everyone being home for the holiday! All of us 4 kids have moved away, so it is such a treat to get together.
My twin sister brought her new born baby! Ahhh... and my older sister brought her new boyfriend! Ohhhhhh! And, my brother brought his wife, awesome kid and news that they're expecting! OH Da LANY! Right!?! What a great time. Goodness...

So, though I didn't capture many pics. Here's a couple of them.

How CUTE! They're teachers, so it's completely fitting!

And isn't she a bundle of beautiful! She's a complete angel! She hardly cries and sleeps through the night already! My sister hardly deserves that blessing.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Work in Progress

Oh, I'm excited to bring a better look to my store front!

I hand painted a sign for the boutique, and will add some window boxes to match!

And, I rearrange the front window with my favorite purple dress!
And, I got this GIANT frame from a neighbor! Love it! So, I used it as my second window display!
I think the front of my shop is getting there....
Ok, it's simple, but that's my style: simply rooted.

Excuses, Excuses

So, I see this in blogs all the time: the apology...the, I'm sorry I haven't blogged lately [insert excuse]. And, I always think: don't apologize, just blog more...

Well.... pot calling the kettle! I apologize! For not blogging in a while! Yikes! I wanted to blog every week. That was my goal... But, I hate commitments. I do, and I have a sensitive balance in life that if I have one too many commitments, everything could very well crumple. And my last three weeks have been very much that way!

So, here it is.. the excuse:
SUBSTITUTE TEACHING! Oh my goodness, teachers need to be paid more!
So, while winter's are slow at my shop, I make some extra pocket change by substitute teaching or being a carpenter. Normally I don't mind either job as it pays the bills, but this last assignment was particularly stressful. I was a teacher for a class that was without a consistent teacher for over 10 weeks! They were a class neglected, and it showed! Bless their hearts, I actually ended up being fond of them... it was a bit of a love/hate relationship. They were genuinely funny! Just chatty... so chatty... So, 11 days and 14 detentions later, I was spent! And, I had no extra energy at the end of the night to blog (or workout! sheesh, no thanks for the guilt, pinterest! ).

But, I'm back in the swing of things! And working on my shop to get it into Spring mode!